
会计学位似乎很简单. 这可能会让人想起电子表格和纳税表格. 但这只是问题的一部分. As technology advances 和 the financial l和scape becomes more complex, there are a growing number of careers for accounting majors—CPA or not.

不确定会计学位是否适合你? Here’s how it can give you the skills you need for a wide variety of high-growth, 高薪和有回报的职业.


如果你对金融或商业方面的职业感兴趣, an accounting degree can provide vital skills—no matter which career path you pursue. 不管你的职业是什么, 你必须能够理解, 解释, 和 communicate complex financial information 和 its implications for a business. That’s why accounting degree programs focus on teaching these cornerstone skills:


  • 敏锐的商业头脑: Getting your accounting degree includes taking a general business core, 让你接触到管理等领域的最佳实践, 操作, 经济学与市场营销. 你不仅获得了深厚的会计技能, you will also learn how accounting operates in the bigger picture—making you a more effective collaborator 和 giving you cross-functional skills.
  • 高级数学和分析能力: 数学一直是会计的一项基本技能. 现在,数据是商业决策的驱动力. 最好的会计课程将与数学结合, analytical 和 database skills that help you underst和 the numbers 和 provide actionable insights to your organization.
  • 解决关键问题: Accountants will consistently encounter errors, discrepancies, 和 inaccuracies. If these are not detected 和 addressed, employers 和 clients can face significant consequences. 这些问题往往是多方面的, which means accountants must approach them by considering all variables 和 risks in order to remedy the situation. 
  • 组织策划: Time management 和 organization are core to success in any accounting program 和 in the profession. 作为会计专业人士, 你必须能够有效地管理截止日期, documentation 和 reporting guidelines to produce accurate work products.
  • 适应性: 金融法律法规在不断发展. 技术进步正在对该行业产生重大影响. These changes are just some of the dynamics in which accountants must operate, which is why being flexible 和 adaptable are essential for long-term success.

准备好进入会计行业了? Gain insights for every career stage in our free Accounting Career Guide.


9 High-Growth Career Paths for Professionals with an Accounting Degree 

根据商务部的说法, the finance 和 insurance industry in the United States is worth over $1.5万亿,接近7.占国内生产总值的5%. The size 和 scope of this industry creates a huge number of jobs for accounting graduates.

Here are nine of the fastest-growing positions in finance 和 who is the best fit for each.


A tax accountant helps individual clients 和 companies with their financial 和 income tax statements. 他们的研究, 学习和解释税法,以便准备付款, 找到节省税款的方法, 仔细研究税务问题.

  • 工资中位数: $70,500
  • 预计增长(2029年): 11.2%

如何成为一个: Most accountants need a bachelor’s degree in accounting or similar field. 认证, 包括注册会计师(CPA)执照, can significantly improve job prospects 和 advancement opportunities.


内部审计员负责执行整个审计周期. These tasks include risk 和 control management over the effectiveness of 操作, including financial responsibility 和 compliance with all applicable laws, 法规和政策.

Compliance officers ensure a company operates in a legal 和 ethical way, 同时实现其战略业务目标. 他们的职责包括创建有效的合规程序, 根据法律法规审查公司政策, 并就可能存在的风险向领导层提供建议.

  • 薪酬中位数: $68,848
  • 预计增长(2029年): 10%

如何成为一个: Complete a bachelor's degree in accounting or related fields like business or finance. The minimum educational requirement is an undergraduate degree 和 many c和idates will have a master’s degree.


Budget analysts help public 和 private companies, as well as government agencies. 他们负责编制预算报告, 评估预算提案和监督机构开支. 通过使用数据, 他们决定了各种项目的成本和收益, 并根据他们的发现建议资助水平. 

  • 工资中位数: $76,232
  • 预计增长(2029年): 7.2%

如何成为一个: 成为一名预算分析师通常需要学士学位. 根据劳动力市场分析公司EMSI的数据, an accounting degree is the number one educational path for budget analysts, 给你成功所需的技能.


Financial analysts advise businesses 和 individuals in making investment decisions. 他们评估股票的表现, 债券, 以及通过观察特定产品的趋势来进行其他投资, 地理位置和行业.

  • 工资中位数: $85,654
  • 预计增长(2029年): 10.6%    

如何成为一个: The minimum requirement to become a financial analyst is usually a bachelor’s degree. A license is generally required to sell financial products, which applies to some positions. 因为大多数执照都需要雇主的担保, 公司不要求你在开始工作前获得执照.


Financial examiners usually work in either risk assessment or consumer compliance. 如果你擅长风险评估, 你们帮助维护金融体系的稳定, making sure financial institutions offer safe loans 和 can cover unexpected losses. Consumer compliance keeps banks 和 other financial institutions from discriminating against borrowers.

  • 工资中位数: $80,184
  • 预计增长(2029年): 10.9%    

如何成为一个: Financial examiners typically need a bachelor’s degree, 和 an accounting degree is preferred. Entry-level financial examiners are trained on the job by senior examiners, 对于刚毕业的会计毕业生来说,这是一个很好的选择.


Credit analysts are responsible for evaluating credit data 和 financial statements of individuals or companies to determine the degree of risk involved in increasing credit or lending money.  The level of risk is used to decide if a loan or line of credit should be offered, 如果是这样的话, 贷款的融资条件, 包括利率. 

  • 工资中位数: $71,510
  • 预计增长(2029年): 7.9%

如何成为一个: Over half of credit analysts have a bachelor’s degree, with accounting being the number one educational background for these positions. 要晋升,可能需要硕士学位.


Personal financial advisors provide guidance on an entire range of investments—including insurance, 抵押贷款, 大学储蓄, 遗产规划, 税, 和 retirement—to help plan for short- 和 long-term financial health.

  • 工资中位数: $88,878
  • 预计增长(2029年): 13.2%

如何成为一个: 个人理财顾问通常要求学士学位. 硕士学位和证书, 比如注册财务规划师(CFP), 能增加你的晋升机会和薪水吗.


Operations research analysts use advanced mathematical 和 analytical systems to help organizations solve problems at all levels. 它们指导管理层如何分配资源, 创建生产计划, 管理供应链,制定价格. 

  • 工资中位数: $83,387
  • 预计增长(2029年): 29.5%

如何成为一个: 通常, 初级职位需要学士学位, 然而, 一些雇主可能更喜欢拥有硕士学位的求职者. 会计学非常适合,因为它注重高等数学.



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Get tips for success from 10 in-field experts to help you climb the career ladder 和 increase your earning potential.