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有一种观点认为,在未来10年,家庭护士从业者(FNPs)将成为美国医疗保健系统的关键. 根据 美国.S. 劳工统计局 the fastest growing profession in the United States will be nurse practitioners. The expected job growth for FNPs alone is projected by Salary.到2032年,这一比例将达到36%.

Many RNs are returning to the classroom to obtain a Master of Science 在护理 (MSN). 但在注册护士开始攻读学位之前,他们不可避免地会问自己一个问题:攻读MSN-FNP值得吗?

This article will explore the pros and cons of pursuing an MSN-FNP degree.


As nurse practitioners play a greater role in healthcare delivery, the education requirements for these roles are seeing a shift.

“过去的20年, 许多护理组织已经认可护理实践博士(DNP)学位作为高级执业注册护士(APRN)实践的入门级,詹妮弗·凡·温克尔说, DNP候选人, MSN, ACNP-BC, FNP-BC, mg不朽情缘游戏网址FNP主席, MSN-Generalist and MSN-Nurse Administrator programs. “过渡到DNP学位作为一个新标准,确保aprn有能力管理复杂的临床情况, 识别医疗保健服务中的问题,并致力于质量改进,以改善患者护理结果.”

仍然, 凡·温克尔说, 寻求更高教育水平的护士不应忽视MSN-FNP学位.

“The Master of Science 在护理 (MSN) degree is still a valid option,” she says. “学生仍然可以获得硕士学位,并获得APRN四个角色之一的执业许可. 选择从MSN学位开始的学生可以选择在以后继续他们的教育并攻读DNP学位.”

MSN-FNP -什么是投资回报率? 

根据U.S. 新闻 & World Report, the average cost of an MSN-FNP degree is $50,000. But going after this degree isn’t just a financial investment, 这也是一种时间投资, 努力与激情. 在进行这些投资之前,最好停下来考虑一下投资回报率(ROI)。. 

The ROI will be different for each student and driven by a number of factors. 它可能是关于学位的成本vs. 长期收益. (The average median salary for this role according to Lightcast™ data is $120,682.)或者你可以通过你在学位课程中获得的技能和在课堂上花费的时间来衡量投资回报率.   

“When considering the ROI of pursuing an MSN-Family Nurse Practitioner degree, 教育成本与收入潜力的对比只是需要考虑的因素之一,凡·温克尔说. “注册护士的工资比注册护士高, and they have greater autonomy and opportunities for career growth. Making a difference through providing family-focused holistic, 循证护理是fnp工作的核心."


Here are 7 careers to consider with an MSN-FNP degree.


获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, featuring helpful advice and thoughtful insights from nursing experts.


1. 旅行执业护士
对流动护士的需求在2020年真正暴露出来,因为许多地区被COVID大流行所淹没,并呼吁提供医疗保健支持. 旅行护士有很大的灵活性和自由选择他们想要工作的时间和地点.

2. 法医执业护士
CSI. 海军罪案调查处. 昆西. Popular entertainment shines a strong light on this unique nursing role. 职责很明确——你将与执法部门和其他医疗专业人员一起评估受害者并收集医疗证据. It’s a role that combines medical, detective and advocacy work.

3. 邮轮执业护士 
这是一个流动护士的职位,但极端地说,你将在世界各地提供护理. 是的,你一定会有一些海滩时间,但在这个角色中,你也要随时待命. 你需要思维敏捷,足智多谋,因为你将治疗“常见”疾病,以及那些来自船只访问地区的疾病.

4. 临床医生护理提供者
Because of their unique skills and practice ability, FNPs are particularly suited to provide treatment and care in individual clinics. 这些诊所可以在人口稠密地区或农村地区,在那里它们提供跨多个县的唯一护理. 在这些实践环境中,为服务不足的人提供服务是护士的重要责任.

5. 学生健康中心护理人员
中型到大型的大学通常有一个健康中心,在那里他们为学生和员工提供基本的医疗需求. 这些角色的护士执行检查, 开药, 点实验室, provide vaccinations and can help with drug and alcohol abuse issues.

6. 便利护理诊所提供者    
零售商和药店已经为顾客增加了店内“快速护理”医疗服务. 在这个领域工作,你将为各种各样的病人提供按需护理. 

7. 惩教设施护士
Nurses in correctional facilities provide scheduled care and see acute patients. FNPs in a correctional setting need to be versatile, focused and reactive. 

“FNPs are trained to provide care throughout life, from birth to the end-of-life — FNPs practice in various settings, 包括诊所, 紧急护理, 学校环境和医院. 而fnp治疗疾病, 他们的主要目标是通过健康促进帮助患者实现最佳健康, 疾病预防和患者教育,凡·温克尔说.


There are any number of reasons that may compel you to pursue an MSN-FNP. 有些可能是个人原因,有些则更为实际. Here are five of the more popular reasons people pursue this degree.

1. 增加与病人的互动

With an MSN-FNP you can gain a certain degree of autonomy when it comes to patient care. 这取决于你在哪里练习, 你甚至可以不再需要医生的监督,而能够独立练习.

2. 提高收入潜力

The median salary for this role according to Lightcast™ data is $120,682. Those in the bottom 10% make $79,477 annually while the top 10% average $163,364.

3. Increase the ability to provide specialized care

One of the benefits FNPs offer to the healthcare community, and one of the things that so many practicing FNPs love about their job, is that they can provide care to a wide patient pool. 随着时间的推移, FNPs可能会发展出一种特殊的亲和力,以帮助特定的患者群体或治疗具有相同护理需求的多个患者群体中的一部分. 


4. 扩大你在病人护理中的作用

一个MSN-FNP可以让你扩大你的角色在病人护理与新获得的临床知识, critical-thinking abilities and problem-solving skills.

5. 打开新工作机会的大门

With an MSN-FNP, the job outlook is extremely positive. 这是国家的需要. 这意味着有了你的MSN学位和FNP认证,你将有大量的工作可供选择. 你会拓宽工作类型和实践环境,在那里你可以积极实践.


每一种情况都是不同的,在做出承诺之前,考虑一下追求MSN-FNP的利弊是很重要的. 人们不报读MSN-FNP学位课程的三个最常见原因是:

1. You’re not sure what specialization path you want to choose

fnp有机会专注于他们所提供的护理,而获得硕士学位则为他们做好了准备. There are some nurses who prefer to work across disciplines.

2. You aren’t sure if you want to spend a career in the field

If you’re happy in your career and don’t see yourself doing anything differently, 那么MSN可能不是你需要的. You can certainly continue to provide the kind of care you enjoy right up to retirement.

3. You don’t want the legal responsibilities of more advanced roles

As an FNP you’ll have responsibility for reviewing medical records, 点测试, managing prescriptions and of course setting a care plan. 这是一种整体水平的护理,有些护士会回避,因为这会让她们面临法律后果.  



来满足这些需求, mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供灵活的MSN-FNP学位课程,由在该领域具有深厚专业知识和实践经验的工作护士领导. 

开始你的MSN之旅,探索 mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s MSN-FNP admission requirements and program specifics to see how you can take the next step in your nursing career.

How to Personalize and Advance Your Nursing Career