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If you’re thinking about how you can take your nursing career to the next level, 你可能会考虑攻读护理实践博士学位. 

Earning a DNP is a great way to grow your capabilities and qualify for new and rewarding roles. 但是进入DNP项目并从这个项目毕业需要什么呢?


A DNP is a doctoral degree primarily intended for licensed nurses at any stage in their careers who wish to move into advanced practice or nursing leadership positions. 

While most advanced practice nursing specialties do not yet require a doctoral degree, 领先的护理机构, 包括美国护理学院协会(AACN), have recommended that the DNP degree become the educational standard for advanced practice roles by 2025. 

DNP degrees are also a good match for future nursing and healthcare leaders since they focus heavily on implementing evidence-based practices to achieve systemic quality improvement and drive better patient outcomes. 


获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, 提供护理专家的有益建议和深思熟虑的见解.



DNP的入学要求因学校和入学途径而异. There are three primary paths to a DNP program for students with different backgrounds.


If you are a registered nurse with a license in good standing and you already hold a Master of Science 在护理 (MSN), you can enter a DNP program without prerequisite coursework (assuming you meet the other admissions criteria). 根据 AACN,近400美元.S. 学校目前为DNP项目提供MSN.


If you hold active RN licensure and a BSN degree but you either don’t have a MSN or have an unrelated master’s, 你可以选择从BSN到DNP的课程. 

These admission pathways include prerequisite coursework to deliver the critical learnings of an MSN program before progressing to the DNP curriculum. 然而, these prerequisites are usually significantly more limited than the work (and expense) that would be required if you chose to complete an MSN before your DNP. 例如,mg不朽情缘游戏网址BSN到DNP的路径 需要两门前置课程,需要八个月才能完成, 而一般的MSN需要两年. 



如果你没有护士执照或BSN, 你可以选择在攻读高级学位之前获得护理执照. 然而, if you know that a DNP is your ultimate goal and you hold a bachelor’s degree in a different field, 你可以走最不常见的通往DNP的路, 预备执照或直接入职计划. 低于20u.S. 学校目前提供这种选择. 因为直接入学项目需要广泛的先决课程, 它们通常比其他DNP途径更长,更昂贵. 


除了先前的教育和护理执照, 有些学校需要额外的申请材料,比如GRE成绩, 推荐信和最低本科GPA. You will likely also need to pass a background check for your clinical placements. 


如果你追求DNP学位, you’ll learn how to critically assess and apply the latest research to improve quality of care, 患者安全, 健康结果和组织政策. You’ll also learn to lead healthcare delivery teams and make ethical, 采用最新工具和技术的循证决策. 

取决于你选择的重点, 你可以选修医疗保健等领域的课程, the social determinants of health or organizational leadership or complete advanced nursing coursework to prepare for licensure in a particular specialty. 例如, a student in a DNP nurse practitioner program student might take courses in advanced pharmacology and pathophysiology. 不管你选择什么课程, you’ll learn to apply your learnings through hands-on practicums (and clinical hours if you choose a clinical specialty). 


而每所学校都有自己的毕业要求, 哪个轨道的差异更大, 某些预期仍然相当一致. 要毕业,你需要:

1. 完成所有要求的学分和核心课程. 

所需学分的数量将取决于你的学校, 专业和你进入这个项目的水平. 例如, 如果你是BSN到DNP的学生, you will need to complete more credits than a DNP student who already holds an MSN. 

2. 完成规定的实习时间和一个学术项目. 

DNP programs typically require students to spend a certain number of hours applying the theory that they learn in the classroom to real-world problems (while receiving feedback). 这些实习时间在DNP学术项目中达到高潮, which asks students to identify a quality improvement opportunity at their organization and develop and implement a plan to achieve better outcomes.

3. 如适用,完成规定的临床时数.

DNP programs with a clinical focus also require students to complete a specified amount of clinical hours in their specialty.  例如, students in mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner DNP program complete 600 clinical hours in that specialty at a medical office or clinic. 


The time it takes to complete your DNP will depend on your prior education and experience and the program and track you select. 

如果你已经有了MSN,并且你正在追求一个以领导力为中心的DNP, you may be able to graduate in as little as two years since the program doesn’t require clinical hours. 如果你正在追求BSN到DNP学位与先进的实践轨道, 另一方面, 完成DNP可能需要四年的时间. It’s important to note that many qualified nurses who pursue a DNP work while they study, 通过灵活的在线课程,这个选择甚至更容易实现. You may even be able to complete your clinical hours at your normal place of employment. 

If you do not have a nursing background but do hold a bachelor’s degree in another subject and choose a direct-entry DNP program, 你可以期待至少四年的全日制课程. 


If you’ve decided that earning DNP is the best way to achieve your personal and professional goals, 考虑mg不朽情缘游戏网址为忙碌的注册护士提供的灵活的学位选择. You can prepare for executive positions through the leadership track or pursue advanced practice licensure with tracks focused on adult-gerontology primary care, 家庭执业,精神病学和心理健康. 

一年有两个开始日期, a flexible online format and practicum and scholarly project opportunities embedded within classes, mg不朽情缘试玩在这里帮助你实现你的职业梦想. 

了解更多关于 mg不朽情缘试玩的DNP计划

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.