Ensure the Quality of Your 业务 Degree with IACBE认证

How do you know that the degree you earn is worth your investment? The 罗斯商学院 at mg不朽情缘游戏网址 has received specialized accreditation through IACBE, which provide assurance that academic programs are aligned with established principles of excellence in business education.

In short: T在这里’s a standard that business and accounting programs are measured by and Franklin meets it.


mg不朽情缘游戏网址's business programs earned initial accreditation from IACBE, an authority on excellence in business education, in 1999.


Learn from experienced business professionals.


Find Franklin alumni at many of the nation's top companies.


International 认证 Council for 业务 教育 (IACBE)

The 罗斯商学院 at mg不朽情缘游戏网址 has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International 认证 Council for 业务 教育 (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, 堪萨斯, 美国. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member 状态页

点击 在这里 to see our IACBE 公共 Disclosure of Student Achievement. 

For more information about the International 认证 Council for 业务 教育, 请点击 在这里 或访问 www.iacbe.org.


mg不朽情缘试玩就是其中之一,800 institutions worldwide that meet the International 认证 Council for 业务 教育 (IACBE) standards for business excellence. Specialized accreditation is significant because it:

  • Validates the quality of Franklin’s business and accounting programs.
  • Affirms the university’s fulfillment of its mission to make high-quality education accessible to the broadest community of learners.
  • Proves that Franklin students achieve learning outcomes.


IACBE accreditation is a quality assurance program for business process at the associate, 学士, 硕士和博士学位. The institution seeking accreditation voluntarily engages in external, independent review of its educational activities. The process requires the following steps:

  1. A self-study that identifies strengths, weaknesses and level of compliance with IACBE’s 认证 Principles
  2. A site visit by an independent team of peer reviewers
  3. IACBE Board of Commissioners will review the self-study and the site visit team's report of findings to determine the accreditation status of the institution's business and accounting programs.
