职业康复 & 就业审查成功计划

退伍军人准备和就业(VR&E) -第31章

退伍军人准备和就业(VR)&E) VetSuccess Program is authorized by Congress under Title 38, Code of 联邦 Regulations. It is often referred to as the Chapter 31 program. You may receive Veteran Readiness 和 Employment (VR&E) (Formerly known as 职业康复 和 Employment) services to help with job training, 教育, 就业住宿, 恢复发展, 以及求职技能指导. Other services may be provided to assist 退伍军人 和 Service members in starting their own businesses or independent living services for those who are severely disabled 和 unable to work in traditional employment.



Active Duty Service Members are eligible if they:

  • You have a 20% or higher pre-discharge disability rating (memor和um rating) 和 will soon leave the military, or
  • You’re waiting to be discharged because of a severe illness or injury that occurred while you were on active duty 
  • 了解更多关于访问VR的信息&E services through the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)

    注意: Severely injured active-duty service members can automatically receive VR&E benefits before VA issues a disability rating. 这是Sec的说法. 1631(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act (PL 110-181).

    离职时给付福利: If you have an illness or injury that you believe was caused—or made worse—by your active-duty service, you can file a claim for disability benefits through the BDD program 180 to 90 days before you leave active duty. This may help speed up the claim decision process so you can get your benefits sooner.


  • 你没有被开除军籍, 
  • You have a service-connected disability rating of at least 10% from the VA
  • 当mg不朽情缘游戏网址收到你的虚拟现实&E应用程序, we’ll schedule your initial evaluation with a 职业康复 Counselor (VRC). The VRC will determine if you’re entitled to receive VR&E福利和服务.  

    If you were discharged from active duty before January 1, 2013, your basic period of eligibility ends 12 years from one of these dates, whichever comes later:

  • The date you received notice of your date of separation from active duty, or
  • The date you received your first VA service-connected disability rating
  • The basic period of eligibility may be extended if a VRC finds that you have a serious employment h和icap (SEH). Having an SEH means your service-connected disability significantly limits your ability to prepare for, 获得, 和 maintain suitable employment (a job that doesn’t make your disability worse; is stable; 和 matches your abilities, 资质, 和兴趣).

    If you were discharged from active duty on or after January 1, 2013, the 12-year basic period of eligibility doesn’t apply to you. 你的资格没有时间限制.


Learn more about eligibility options 和 application process 在这里


A veteran who is eligible for an evaluation under Chapter 31 must first apply for services 和 receive an appointment with a vocational rehabilitation counselor (VRC). The VRC will work with the veteran to determine if an employment h和icap exists as a result of his or her service connected disability. If an employment h和icap is established 和 the veteran is found entitled to services. The VRC 和 the veteran will continue counseling to select a track of services 和 jointly develop a plan to address the veteran's rehabilitation 和 employment needs.
The rehabilitation plan will specify an employment or independent living goal, 确定中间目标, 和 outline services 和 resources that VA will provide to assist the veteran to achieve his/her goals. The VRC 和 the veteran will work together to implement the plan to assist the veteran to achieve his or her employment 和/or independent living goals.
If a veteran is found not to be entitled to services, the VRC will help him/her locate other resources to address any rehabilitation 和 employment needs identified during the evaluation. Referral to other resources may include state vocational rehabilitation programs; Department of Labor employment programs for disabled veterans; state, federal or local agencies providing services for employment or small business development; internet-based resources for rehabilitation 和 employment; 和 information about applying for financial aid.


1. Have your vocational rehabilitation counselor (VRC) submit a copy of your approval to use CH 31 benefits (VA form 28-1905) to OMVA@skipscoop.com
2. 通知mg不朽情缘试玩的军事办公室 & Veteran Affairs once you are registered for classes.
3. mg不朽情缘试玩的军事办公室 & Veteran Affairs will submit an Enrollment Certification to your assigned VRC.
4. Once you are certified for your class enrollment, your virtual book voucher/office supply voucher from our 虚拟书店 会发邮件给你吗.

  • If your required course materials are in an e-book format, you may need additonal approval from the VA to purchase a hardback book

5. 通知mg不朽情缘试玩的军事办公室 & Veteran Affairs of any schedule changes that may occur immediately.