b'In MemoriamJack Cartner63 In June 2023, longtime Board of Trustees member and past chair, Jack Cartner passed away. Jack was a loyal and dedicated member of our Board. His wise and Jack Cartner will be sadly missed bysteadfast leadership was matched by his enthusiastic the members of the Franklin Universitysupport of the University and those it serves.community and by those who benefitedA proud Franklin alumnus (B.S. in Business from the wisdom of his counsel andAdministration 63) and veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Jacks 46-year tenure on the Franklin University Board leadership. His dedication to his duties asof Trustees made him the boards longest-serving a member of our Board of Trustees wasmember. Appointed to the Board in 1977, he served as chair of the Board from 1991-1992, leading with stability surpassed only by his commitment toand a mission-driven focus. His most recent Board furthering the opportunities available toinvolvement included serving on and chairing the Infrastructure Committee and serving on the Trustee Franklins students, faculty and staff.Governance Committee. Previous Board service included serving on the Marketing, Communications and Advancement Committee, and Nominating Committee, as well as being a past co-chair ofthe Institutional Advancement Committee.An innovative spirit, Jack held 21 U.S. patents for mechanical and hydraulic machinery. His accomplished career spanned numerous industries and roles, including serving as president of MoTrim, Inc., which manufactures boom-type hydraulic mowing machinery, and Cartlan Corp., which constructs and owns commercial buildings in Cambridge, Ohio. He also served as the president of Southeast Publications Inc. and was publisher of the Caldwell, Ohio, Journal Leader newspaper along with several magazines that are distributed throughout southeastern Ohio. Jack spent over 30 years as a director of severalNational Bank Boards that were a part of the American Bank Corporation, which later merged into Wesbanco Bank. He served on executive committees, loan committees and numerous other bank committees. Jack also raised Angus cattle on his Guernsey County farm. 20 Clocktower | In Memoriam'